Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Foundations of learning is concerned with nurturing the development of the whole child,, viewing the parent as a partner in this work. 
Although the brain is a very complex structure, modern technology allows us to observe it in action. As a result, we are learning more about its capacities every day and becoming more and more in awe of how it controls eery aspect of our being : physical, emotional, cognitive ,, etc. A newborns brain is filled with neurons primed to connect with other neurons for true learning and development to take place. This building of the brian continue after birth when billions of connectors are formed. Current research confirms that musical experiences create and strengthen neural pathways in EVERY area of a child’s brain. 

Here is the latest great blog from Off Beat Momma. The subscription is free .... 
I would love your photos and stories from your kids for our blog here at Kindermusik With Miss Mana.

Hows about it mommies.. :) Subscribe .. and share your world love love and laughter with all of us...
Tra La La
Posted: 25 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST
All photos by Rebecca B.
So my pregnancy ticker tells me week by week how big my new baby is in relation to produce. My nearly four-year-old son loves it. He's an hands-on learner (his grandmother the teacher says it's a "kinesthetic learner") and it gives him a tactile idea of how big our new wiggly addition to the family has grown. He asks me constantly how big the baby is now and really grasps the process of growing with the progression of fruits and veggies.

I hit week 25 and The Fetus (as we call it because we are avoiding sharing the sex with friends and family) is the size of an eggplant. Having never played with an eggplant, he was enthralled, so when we went to the grocery store for a spastic midnight run after a crappy day I saw an eggplant and plopped it in his lap so he could "hold the baby." Long story short, we have now adopted an eggplant and promised not to eat it.
He even made a nest for it!
I keep telling him it's only going to last a couple of days, in hopes he doesn't become too attached and break down when we have to compost the poor thing, but I think that ship has sailed. We will be doomed to tears I fear. I remind him he has to be really careful with it, (so it will last as long as possible honestly) and he takes this to heart. He pats its little round purple bottom, has named it "Eggplant," and wrapped himself up in a nest of blankets on the couch with it to snuggle gently and keep Eggplant warm.
This may be one of the cutest and oddest moments of brotherly fetus love… ever.

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