Friday, December 23, 2011

Take Home Pages  “Village”  WINTER MUSIC CAMPS 
707 354-2475 
GATHERING TIME                                                                                 MEETING EACH OTHER
HELLO-LAH                                                                                                   GREETING RITUAL
Bouncing your baby to a steady beat while we sing will help calm, and organize all of our bodies and minds.  We start and end every Kindermusik class the same way. While in Kindermusik you will learn about the many ways music will make your already great parenting easier.  
Moving your baby’s arms and legs in this exercise activity is another routine we do each week in a Village class. It helps them gain control over their ability to move their arms and legs on their own. The cross-lateral movements in this exercise increase the communication between both hemispheres of the brain. So, we are increasing brain and body strength. At the end of diaper time include this chant or a favorite nursery rhyme and exercise for your baby. As you create a predictable diaper routine ending with song and exercise, your baby will begin to anticipate the interaction!
                                                                                                                                STEADY BEAT            
Steady beat is one of the first musical skills to master. This skill is important for future musical experiences and in everyday life activities that require a regularly-paced repeated motion such as walking or running. As your baby gets older you will see the results of steady beat skills in riding a bicycle, cutting with scissors, and bouncing a ball. Take the beat home—tap along to your child’s favorite CD in the car, march along to the bathtub or rock back-and-forth to a calming steady beat at bedtime. Let the beat add fun to any routine!
                                                                                                                             SCARF PLAY      
This scarf presents your child with another, different object to learn about.  How does this feel? What does it look like? What can I do with it? What happens if I put it on my head? Your little one is on a quest to discover the answers to all of these questions. It is learning in action! And as you talk with your baby while you explore together, you are making it a language experience as well.
MUSICAL STORYTIME (optional)                                                   MUSIC & LITERACY
When your baby moves, vocalizes, and is engaged with a book  and story the benefits can hardly be overstated: they build listening skills, learn new words, and are motivated to interact with music and books in positive, creative ways.  Kindermusik books are particularly well-suited for building language skills and print awareness. 
                                                                                                                        EXPLORE & PLAY
Your baby’s primary interest is making thing happen.  So when your little one plays and interacts with the bell, this helps make the first—of many—learning connections about cause and the effect, or “what happens when I do this?”
                                                                                                                               SING & MOVE
In this activity your child will experience different tempos of steady beat as we move like a giraffe and a zebra.  When you hold your child in different positions to experience different types of movement; your child’s brain grows and develops with new neural connections. In fact, the developing brain is wired to learn as the body moves. Kindermusik will provide you helpful information about your growing baby that you can use at home everyday of the week.
                                                                                                                                    QUIET TIME
Another way we naturally use steady beat is when rocking your baby.  As she/he moves back and forth or side to side while rocking or swaying, the vestibular system is stimulated—the system of fluids in the inner ear—which is so important to balance and coordination. In KindermuSIK
                                                                                                                RHYME & VOCAL PLAY
This exercise helps your little one solidify the meanings of new words.  Kindermusik carefully selects songs, poems, and rhymes with accompanying movements or motions to emphasize the word meanings knowing  this is particularly effective in helping little ones gather and retain new words in their vocabularies. Include some finger plays with your favorite nursery rhymes. Write the titles of a few rhymes on a note card and keep it in your diaper bag for learning on the go. 
                                                                                                                          EXPLORE & PLAY
Whether your child is one that is fascinated with the instrument, plays it enthusiastically, or pauses to watch and listen to everyone else in the room, they are still learning about cause and effect, shapes, and different sounds… as well  as experiencing steady beat. Their entire brain is being lit up by this activity. 
When you hold your child in different positions to experience different types of movement; your child’s brain grows and develops with new neural connections. In fact, the developing brain is wired to learn as the body moves. Kindermusik will provide you helpful information about your growing baby that you can use at home every day of the week.
ACTIVE LISTENING: TWO TONE WOODBLOCK                                                           LISTEN 
Even at this young age, your child is learning to listen.  Listening activities that are brief and focus on one sound at a time, allow your baby to start the first steps in attention and engaged listening.  At home notice and isolate sounds, helping your little one become aware of a variety of sounds. Interesting sounds can be great detractors—helping make parenting easier.  
   SALLY GO ROUND THE SUN  & ZOOMIE - O !                                             CIRCLE DANCE
The circle dance comes from the wonderful tradition of communities dancing together.  With the emphasis on participation, not performance, it fosters togetherness. Adjust your dancing to the needs of your baby—hold your little one in your arms or hold to your beginning walker’s hand. Our “circle” will look different every time we do this dance.
FAREWELL NOW                                                                                         GOODBYE  RITUAL
We end each class with a Goodbye Song. This weekly routine helps your child anticipate the ending of the class and gives them a sense of order. Everything we do in a Kindermusik class is intentional, creating the best possible learning environment for every aspect of your child’s development. You choose Kindermusik because you want the best for your child and we’ll deliver ideas in class that will help make your great parenting easier at home. I look forward to our next time together in Kindermusik.

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